Friday, November 2, 2012

Ways to Lower your Energy Consumption Go Green and Save Green

I thought this might be agonizing in paragraph form so I’m just going to make it a list of things you can do to reduce your energy consumption. Hopefully these tips will help you save some money, and it’s a great thing to conserve energy.

·         Change the lights in your home to CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights), or even LEDs. The LEDs are still pricey but they are really the best choice for saving energy on lighting.

·         Put outside lights on a motion sensor

·         Turn off all electronics when not in use; lights, TVs, computers, etc.

·         Energy Star appliances are much more efficient than traditional appliances

·         Have appliances serviced regularly so they stay at top efficiency

·         Lower the temperature on your water heater and try to take shorter showers

·         Install a low-flow shower head

·         Install a wrap on your water heater

·         Insulate hot water lines

·         Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible

·         Only do full loads of laundry

·         Clean your dryers lint trap before or after each load

·         Make sure the dryers hose is connected to the wall fitting, that the hose in not kinked, and that the outside vent closes when the dryer is not running

·         Drying consecutive loads will use the residual heat from the previous load

·         If your refrigerator has a power-saver function, use that. Make sure all seals are intact.

·         Let hot food cool before storing in refrigerator/freezer

·         Microwave things instead of using the stove if possible

·         Only run the dishwasher when it’s full and use the air dry function, or you could do them by hand

·         Change HVAC filters regularly to reduce strain on furnace

·         Keep windows locked

·         Insulate switch plates

·         Use curtains to let in light during winter, and keep cold out during the night

·         Make sure attic is well insulated, including the access door

·         Check to ensure your return air is not blocked

·         Use window insulating film

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